
Man arrested for alleged antisemitic assault against a minor in Rome

Police in Italy arrested a 33-year-old Egyptian man suspected of assaulting a Jewish boy on the street in Rome after ordering him to take off his kippah.

Man arrested for ISIS plot targeting Naples Jewish community

In addition to the arrest for “international terrorism of Islamist origin,” the suspect is being charged with “subversion of the democratic order.”

Protesters in Bologna turned violent targeting the city’s synagogue with vandalism and explosives

During the protest, demonstrators spray-painted slogans such as “Justice for a free Gaza” on the synagogue’s walls.

A new monument commemorates Italy’s youngest partisan Franco Cesana

Franco was just a child when his life was tragically cut short during combat to help liberate Italy from Nazi-fascism. On September 14, 1944, near Picciniera di Gombola in the Emilia Romagna region, Franco fell to German bullets, just six days shy of his 13th birthday.

Palermo will have its own synagogue, thanks to collaboration between local authorities, the Catholic Church, and the UCEI

This decision, initiated by the Municipality of Palermo, was made in collaboration with the Archdiocese of Palermo, the Union of Italian Jewish Communities (UCEI), and the Jewish community of Naples.

120 years of the Tempio Maggiore in Rome celebrated with Italian President Sergio Mattarella

UCEI President Noemi Di Segni took part in the commemoration, underscoring the significance of the Tempio Maggiore as a representation of both the Jewish community’s rich history and its vibrant future.

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